
Globe completes deployment of next-gen antennas for 4G and 5G

  • 2 years ago
  • DirectoryHub PH

Globe has announced that it has completed the deployment of a new series of antennas that efficiently enables the acceleration of 4G and the evolution of 5G technology to boost coverage and ensure energy efficiency.

Globe said that the new antennas are crucial for improving the 4G and 5G experiences of its subscribers. The antenna adopts enhanced multi-array modules, ultra-high integration architecture, and full-band technology. It also uses ultra-resolution beam technology to provide high-precision beamforming for higher Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) performance and a 15% increase in network capacity. MIMO uses multiple transmitters and receivers for simultaneous data transfer.

Furthermore, it also allows simplified deployment in one antenna, with greater efficiency at 30%. Since the antenna is smaller than the traditional design, it makes installation easier and faster even on cell sites with limited space. It can also combine different frequency bands and accommodate different generations of cellular technologies, including 5G. The technology also minimizes feed loss and improves energy efficiency by 10%~15%.

“4G/5G deployment is accelerating and usage is continuously growing. The antenna is important for a network to have greater capacity, accelerate site deployment, have broader and deeper coverage, and achieve a low carbon footprint,” said Joel Agustin, SVP and Head of Network Planning and Engineering at Globe’s Network Technical Group.

“Globe is innovating with its vendor partners on the latest technologies available to improve customer experience through efficient 4G/5G network deployment,” he added.

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